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Mental health care and the criminal justice system

This is the revised and fully updated version of Mental health care and the criminal justice system. This version of briefing no.39 was published by the Centre for Mental Health in 2011. This briefing paper examines the provision of mental health care for adults in the criminal justice system. It looks at what has been achieved to date and identifies priorities for further work. A separate briefing paper will also be published. The other briefing paper will examine the provision of mental health care for children and young people in the youth justice system

Review of the multi-agency resource service (MARS) and the Scottish Child Care and Protection Network (SCCPN)

The Scottish Government Children and Families Analytical Service Unit conducted a review of both the MARS and the SCCPN with a view to informing future development and sustainability.

The aims of the review were to understand the effectiveness and impact of the MARS and the SCCPN activities to date (including any influence on national policy and local practice), and the extent towhich they are perceived to be providing good value for money.

Time for change: an evaluation into this pilot service for vulnerable young women aged 14-18 years at high risk of secure care or custody

Evaluation of the pilot Up-2-Us Time for Change Project, which is a gender-specific service targeted at young women aged between 14 and 18 years deemed to be at significantly high risk of admission to secure care or custody.

The research takes a multi-dimensional perspective, by undertaking a set of qualitative interviews with young women attending the project, the professionals or stakeholders working with them as well as the practitioner’s of the Time for Change project itself.