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Mental health, resilience and the recession in Bradford

Report on how personal coping strategies and financial support help to moderate the impact of unemployment at a time of economic recession in Bradford.

It explores the impact of involuntary unemployment at a time of economic recession on people’s everyday life and mental well-being. It explores the relation between people’s experiences of unemployment and two sets of resilience factors: coping strategies and practical and emotional support.

Right time right support: smarter support for families to keep young people out of care and out of trouble

Last year, half of all young people going into care were over 10 years old. Many of these young people end up in care because relationships at home have fallen apart. Other young people remain at home but in family situations that are close to breaking point. Others leave home, ending up ‘sofa surfing’ or in hostels. Some become involved in the criminal justice system as a result of their behaviour.

This report looks at ways to support families to keep young people out of care and out of trouble.

Restorative justice: time for action

The overuse of custody in the past two decades has resulted in an overburdened and ineffective prison system. In spite of record spending, re-offending rates remain high and public confidence in the criminal justice system low. This report highlights how at a time of austerity, resources need to be focused on responses to offending that are efficient and effective, and which also meet the needs of victims and communities.

Munch, poke, ping!: vulnerable young people, social media and e-safety

Document that outlines 8 main findings and recommendations from the research ‘Munch, Poke, Ping’ which the Training and Development Agency (TDA) commissioned Stephen Carrick-Davies to undertake in 2011.

The focus of the research was to consider the risks which vulnerable young people, excluded from schools and being taught in Pupil Referral Units (PRUs), encounter online and through their mobile phones.

The commission on the future delivery of public services: financial scrutiny unit briefing

The report of the Commission on the Future Delivery of Public Services (also known as the Christie Commission after its chair, Dr Campbell Christie CBE) was published on 29 June 2011.

This briefing provides background to the establishment of the Commission, a summary of its main conclusions and recommendations, and outlines some initial reaction to the report.