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Effective relationships with vulnerable parents to improve outcomes for children and young people: final study report

York Consulting was commissioned by Action for Children to undertake research to articulate how Action for Children professionals develop effective relationships with vulnerable parents and how this makes a difference for children and young people. The focus of the research was to develop a skills framework that would define the key aspects of effective professional relationships and the competencies required to achieve them.

Standing on my own two feet: disadvantaged teenagers, intimate partner violence and coercive control

Research to develop a better understanding of the nature and dynamics of violence in vulnerable teenagers’ intimate relationships; to examine the impact of physical, emotional and sexual violence on young people’s well-being; and to identify appropriate responses. The study set out to explore if some disadvantaged groups experienced greater vulnerability to intimate partner violence than others, and if so, to develop a better understanding regarding the factors that may contribute to this susceptibility.

The science of prevention for children and youth

Paper that makes the case that prevention science provides a framework for ensuring that prevention initiatives are founded on robust evidence and implemented in a way that will allow progressive growth in knowledge of 'what works' in prevention.

It examines some of the opportunities and challenges in a shift to an evidence-based prevention agenda to improve the lives of children and young people.

Guidance for best practice for the management of intimate images that may become evidence in court

Concern has been expressed about the possibility of inappropriate disclosure and use of intimate images obtained during the forensic medical examination of complainants of sexual violence or abuse. This guidance is intended to create an agreed practice and disclosure framework in order to reassure practitioners and complainants. This guidance applies to all intimate forensic medical examinations

Safeguarding in schools: best practice

Report that illustrates and evaluates the features of best practice in safeguarding, based on inspection evidence from the 19% of all maintained primary, secondary and special schools, residential special schools and pupil referral units inspected between September 2009 and July 2010 where safeguarding had been judged outstanding.

It also draws on a more detailed analysis and evaluation of safeguarding practice in a small sample of outstanding schools visited by Her Majesty’s Inspectors.