Resources selected by NHS Education for Scotland for inclusion in Social Services Knowledge Scotland (SSKS).

Systematic mapping guidance report 2 : the recovery approach in community-based vocational and training adult mental health day services (Research resource 3)

Report describing and discussing a systematic map focusing on the role of vocation, meaningful occupation and training in the refashioning of mental health day services. It includes research on how the recovery approach can operate in community-based vocational and training adult mental health services.

N.B. Free report requires registration.

SCIE Resource guide 22: Children of prisoners - maintaining family ties

This report brings together resources and research about maintaining family ties for children of prisoners. It provides a review of literature from the past fifteen years as well as examples of practice from England, Scotland and Northern Ireland of what works to support children and their families. The findings highlight the negative impact parental imprisonment can have on children. This area of work cuts across a number of sectors and requires a multi-disciplinary readership and response if outcomes for this group of children are to be improved.

PHASE : promoting health after sifting the evidence

The aim of this project was to help people purchasing and providing health promotion services to develop the skills they need to make sense of evidence about effectiveness. This systematic review was published by EPPI-Centre in 1996 .Systematic reviews aim to find as much as possible of the research relevant to the particular research questions, and use explicit methods to identify what can reliably be said on the basis of these studies.

Descriptive mapping of health promotion studies in young people

This review aimed to identify research on health promotion for young people in the areas of accident prevention, mental health, nutrition, physical activity, sexual health and substance abuse. Its purpose was to describe the needs and views of young people with respect to their health, examine the range of interventions undertaken, and make recommendations for future research.

Personalisation and learning disabilities: A review of evidence on advocacy and its practice for people with learning disabilities and high support needs

Review commissioned by SCIE to identify and consolidate the available evidence of progress and innovation in advocacy practice in relation to people with learning disabilities and high support needs.

SCIE research briefing 17: Therapies and approaches for helping children and adolescents who deliberately self-harm (DSH)

This briefing focuses on other therapies or measures to help children and young people who deliberately self-harm (DSH). The aim of the therapy is either to reduce the amount they self harm or to stop them self-harming completely. The population covered by this briefing are children and adolescents up to the age of 19 who live in the community. The characteristics of self-harm, and the psychological and psychosocial factors associated with self-harm among children and adolescents are covered in a previous briefing in this series.