Resources selected by NHS Education for Scotland for inclusion in Social Services Knowledge Scotland (SSKS).

Working with challenging and disruptive situations in residential child care: Sharing effective practice. Children's and Families' Services Knowledge Review 22

The children’s residential care sector across the UK has changed markedly over the past two decades and more. One impact of these changes has been a greatly reduced residential sector, with the proportion of looked-after children who are placed in residential care declining over this period.

Follow up work to support implementation of the NICE/SCIE guidance on parenting programmes (CSDI) (Children and families' services report 21A)

Report presenting the findings of a follow-up study to support the implementation of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence/Social Care Institute for Excellence guidance on parenting programmes. It also provides some background to the study and reviews what is already known about the factors which increase the likelihood of uptake and completion of parenting programmes.

Think child, think parent, think family: a guide to parental mental health and child welfare

Guide about working with parents who have mental health problems and their children. It provides guidance on policy and practice and makes recommendations for key areas of professional education, workforce development and research. It also provides links to useful resources and contact details of relevant organisations.

Managing risks and minimising mistakes in services to children and families

This report focuses specifically on reducing risk in services to children and families by identifying and learning from near misses in children's services. It aims to start a debate about the management of risk at an organisational level and to support the introduction of the Children Act 2004 in England and Wales and the development of Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs).

SCIE research briefing 4: Transition of young people with physical disabilities or chronic illnesses from children's to adult's services

A SCIE research briefing is a summary of information about Transition of young people with physical disabilities or chronic illnesses from children's to adult's services, in order to update practice at the health and social care interface. This briefing focuses on physical disabilities and not learning disabilities.

SCIE Report 8: Contributing on equal terms: service user involvement and the benefits system

This report seeks to uncover the difficulties and fears people experience in being paid for their contribution to services and those of the organisations who pay them. By revealing the issues and seeking to have them addressed, it will help in laying the foundations for proper and principled user involvement.