Resources selected by NHS Education for Scotland for inclusion in Social Services Knowledge Scotland (SSKS).

Resourceful leadership : leading for outcomes in a time of shock

A study based on research commissioned by the National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's Services in partnership with Centre for Outcomes in Children and Young People's Services C4EO. The research took place during 2010 and early 2011. The research period therefore spanned cuts introduced by the Coalition Government immediately after the 2010 Generation Election, a broader programme of cost reduction initiated by the 2010 spedngin Review, as well as specific policy reforms that have begun across a number of public services.

C4EO golden threads

The Golden Threads are the ten key messages that underpin the work of the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children's and Young People's Services (C4EO). Together they act as a whole, requiring committed and visionary leadership to make them a reality

SRN national gathering 2011

Recovery films and video clips from the Scottish Recovery Network. In February 2011 SRN hosted their sixth national conference, the National Gathering. The aim of the conference was to provide an opportunity for Network members to come together to share information and consider next steps for the promotion and support of recovery in Scotland. Delegates represented all groups with an interest in recovery and mental health, including those with lived experience, family and friends, and professionals.

Evaluation of learning resources for end of life care in extra care settings : executive summary

The National End of Life Care Strategy (2008) aims to assist with the development of high quality end of life care that can enable people to die in a range of settings, including their own homes. In 2009, in line with these aims, the National End of Life Care Programme (NEoLCP) in partnership with Housing 21 (one of the leading providers of extra care housing) and with some funding from Skills for Care1, developed a learning resource pack and accompanying DVD for end of life care in extra care housing settings. Report published by the Centre for Housing Policy, University of York.

Care coordination model: better care at lower cost for people with multiple health and social needs

This report is part of the Innovation Series 2011 published by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. This white paper outlines methods and opportunities to better coordinate care with people with multiple health and social needs, and reviews ways that organizations have allocated resources to better meet the range of needs in this population. There is special emphasis on the experience of care coordination with populations of people experiencing homelessness. Discussion includes measures used to track the impact of these efforts on health, costs, and experience of care.

Implementing outcomes based accountability in children’s services: an overview of the process and impact

The Outcomes Based Accountability (OBA) model has been used as a way of structuring planning to improve outcomes for whole populations and for improving services. The OBA approach focuses on outcomes that are desired and monitoring and evidencing progress towards those desired outcomes. NFER was commissioned by Local Government Association Analysis and Research (LGAAR), on behalf of Local Government Improvement and Development, to identify the impact of the OBA approach on LA practice in Children's Services through nine case studies (18 interviews with strategic and operational staff).

Safeguarding children peer review programme: learning and recommendations

The Local Government Group commissioned The National Foundation for Educational Research in England and Wales (NFER) to undertake an independent research study to draw out key messages and learning from the safeguarding children peer review programme. Telephone interviews were conducted with staff from five local authorities and their partners, as well as with a range of peers from the review teams of those local authorities. Interviews were carried out between August 2010 and February 2011.