Resources selected by NHS Education for Scotland for inclusion in Social Services Knowledge Scotland (SSKS).

SCIE guide 34: practice development: collaborative working in social care

This guide can be used in statutory and independent sectors by social care workers, social workers and their managers to improve the use of knowledge, both research and practice-based, in service development. The guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Guide published in August 2010. Review date August 2013.

Adult services guide 33 : facts about FACS 2010 : a guide to fair access to care services

The purpose of the SCIE guide 'Facts about FACS' 2010 is to provide information and support for those involved in implementing the 2010 fair access to care services (FACS) framework. The guide builds on the content of the Department of Health's Prioritising need in the context of Putting People First: A whole system approach to eligibility for social care (DH, 2010). This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE).

SCIE guide 32: practice guidance on the involvement of independent mental capacity advocates (imcas) in safeguarding adults

This practice guidance concerning the involvement of Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCAs) in safeguarding adults is jointly published by the ADASS and SCIE. It replaces the Practice guidance criteria for the use of IMCAs in safeguarding adults published by ADASS in 2007. This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Guide published in November 2009.

Workforce development : SCIE guide 28 : using SCIE resources

The aim of Using SCIE resources is to help organisations or individuals implement SCIE’s work. It will help organisations develop and strengthen their workforce enabling them to provide high-quality services for the people they support. Using SCIE resources includes a presentation slide set template and notes on its use, and an example of SCIE’s new At a glance summaries. This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE).

Children's and families' services SCIE guide 25 : having a break : good practice in short breaks for families with children who have complex health needs and disabilities

Having a break : good practice in short breaks for families with children who have complex health needs and disabilities. This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Guide published in November 2008.

Children's and families' services scie guide 24 : learning together to safeguard children : developing a multi-agency systems approach for case reviews

This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Guide published in January 2009.

Adults' services SCIE guide 21 : commissioning and providing mental health advocacy for African and Caribbean men

This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Guide published in June 2007.

Stakeholder participation guide 20 : participation : finding out what difference it makes [SCIE guide 20]

This guide is written for any individual, group or organisation wishing to find out whether service user and carer participation is making a difference.

This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. First edition published in June 2007,
this edition published September 2007 by the Social Care Institute for Excellence.

Not a one way street : research into older people’s experiences of support based on mutuality and reciprocity : interim report

This paper outlines interim findings from an action research project called 'Not a one-way street', which is part of the Better Life programme. The project focuses on the various ways in which older people with high support needs take up active roles within different support arrangements based on 'mutuality and reciprocity'. This paper explores alternative approaches to planning, funding and providing long term care for older people with high support needs.

Interim report published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation in October 2011.