Housing support for homeless households: analysis of consultation findings
Report that presents the findings of a consultation carried out by the Scottish Government on 'Housing Support for Homeless Households' between January and April 2012.
Report that presents the findings of a consultation carried out by the Scottish Government on 'Housing Support for Homeless Households' between January and April 2012.
Bulletin that provides information on homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes to 31 March 2012. It includes information on the characteristics of applicant households, local authority assessments and the action taken in respect of cases that were concluded.
Snapshot data on households in temporary accommodation at 31 March 2012 are presented and notifications of households at risk of homelessness due to eviction/repossession.
Report that does not set out to provide solutions for tackling homelessness, but instead, focuses on addressing the complex health challenges of the homeless and identifying practical solutions for commissioners and providers to implement.
It provides policymakers, local decision makers, commissioners and providers of healthcare with an overview of these healthcare challenges. The focus of the report is on the dingle homeless, those who move between the streets and hostels.
Report that draws together the direct experiences of clients and staff to provide an updated national picture of hospital admission and discharge practice for people who are homeless.
It identifies examples of effective working, as well as where improvements still need to be made. It builds on existing guidance on hospital admission and discharge to propose a set of standards which can be applied regardless of the specific models of practice in place.
The Homelessness Strategy 2012-17 sets out our strategy for tackling homelessness over the next five years and establishes the guiding principles for the development and delivery of homelessness services.
The strategy aims to ensure:
• The risk of a person becoming homeless will be minimised through effective preventative measures.
• Through enhanced inter agency co-operation, services to the most vulnerable homeless households will be improved.
Key findings of research that was carried out between May and October 2011 and in which more than 380 young people (16 – 25) participated. A health questionnaire was completed by about 130 young people from Depaul UK services, and by a control group of 200 young people from around the UK.
Four focus groups and 26 individual interviews with young people also took place. A group of young homeless people were trained in research skills and carried out research with their peers.
Briefing that sets out the policy context around tackling homelessness and addressing the mental health needs of homeless people. It also examines what considerations need to be made when planning, designing and delivering mental health services for homeless people and highlights examples of good practice.
This report argues that truly transformational public innovation requires creative decommissioning: actively challenging incumbent service models and mindsets to invest properly in new approaches. As public resources are increasingly precious, creative decommissioning will become a critical
capability for public services.
Policy review which focuses on situation of some specific youth groups in the European youth policy context, such as the homeless or those at risk of homelessness, migrant, ethnic minority youth and those young people with public care backgrounds.
Charter that set the standards and outcomes that all social landlords should aim to achieve when performing their housing activities.
The Charter has seven sections covering: equalities; the customer/landlord relationship; housing quality and maintenance; neighbourhood and community; access to housing and support; getting good value from rents and service charges; and other customers.