housing and environment

Health, wellbeing, and the older people housing agenda

One of three papers which explores the practicalities of deliveringhousing for older people and maximising the benefits to health andwellbeing.

It uses as a starting point the guidance provided in the ADASS/Housing Learning and Improvement Network's Strategic Housing for Older People resource pack, Planning, designing and delivering housing that older people want and, more recently, work the Housing. LIN is involved in with the NHS Commissioning Board to develop a health and housing compact that supports closer integrated approaches with housing to support patient care.

Locked out: the Trailblazers' report into accessible housing

This investigation into accessible housing and the services of the UK’s housing providers was instigated following concerns raised by members of the Trailblazers network and their families when searching for accessible accommodation to rent or buy. Members reported having to wait years to find wheelchair-accessible homes, despite local authorities providing funds for adaptations to the homes of thousands of disabled people every year.

Exploring the relationships between housing, neighbourhoods and mental wellbeing for residents of deprived areas

Housing-led regeneration has been shown to have limited effects on mental health. Considering housing and neighbourhoods as a psychosocial environment, regeneration may have greater impact on positive mental wellbeing than mental ill-health.

This study examined the relationship between the positive mental wellbeing of residents living in deprived areas and their perceptions of their housing and neighbourhoods.

Life opportunities survey: wave one results, 2009/11

Report that presents a summary of the latest information collected from the full wave one of the Life Opportunities Survey (LOS), for which fieldwork was conducted across Great Britain between June 2009 and March 2011.

A report based on the interim results - year one of the first wave of fieldwork - was published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in December 2010. The findings in this report replace the findings presented in the interim report.

Understanding the worklessness dynamics and characteristics of deprived areas

The analysis in this report breaks new ground in using individual-level data on employment transitions and geographical movements to try to shed light on some unanswered questions about the dynamics of worklessness in deprived areas.

The individual-level dynamics operating in persistently deprived neighbourhoods in Great Britain are examined. The research is motivated by the need to better understand the dynamics and characteristics of deprived areas in order to support evidence-based policy responses.

SCIE research briefing 19: what is the impact of environmental housing conditions on the health and well-being of children?

This briefing focuses on how environmental housing conditions can affect the health and well-being of children. The concern is the immediate physical structure or environment rather than other elements of the accommodation, such as the neighbourhood or the appropriateness of the housing for disabled children.

Housing and disabled children

In recent years the issue of housing and disabled children has moved up the policy agenda, and there are currently opportunities for change at both the national and local policy level. This round-up provides an overview of what is known about the housing circumstances of disabled children and their families.