young people

OU on the BBC: The Human Mind

This resource examines the human mind. Presenter Robert Winston explores all aspects of the human mind - from how we learn, to how we're able to recognise faces and what makes one person 'click' with another. There are three programmes in the series which are available on the website, which is the online learning portal from the Open University and the BBC.

respectme website

respectme, Scotland's Anti-Bullying Service was launched in March 2007. This organisation works with all adults who have a role to play in the lives of children and young people to give them the practical skills and confidence to deal with bullying behaviour, where it occurs.

Education and lifelong learning research findings No47/2009: production of case studies of flexible learning and support packages for young people who require more choices and more chances

The study, commissioned by the Scottish Government, was intended to inform a series of papers on ‘Building the Curriculum’ being prepared as part of the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE).

GIRFEC: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services - Building a strong corporate family

This podcast is taken from the 'GIRFEC: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services' Conference held in Glasgow on the 24-26 September. Session 3 - Building Better Childhoods, Responding to Need. Anna Fowlie, Head of Corporate Parenting, Care and Justice Division, Children, Young People and Social Care Directorate talks about how to look after children and young people in care.

Parental drug and alcohol misuse

This report created by Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) provides clear insights into the difficult lives of many vulnerable young people, dealing with parents who misuse drugs and alcohol. The report calls for young people to be involved in debate about the type of support they need and value to enable them to cope better.