young people

‘Step inside our shoes’: young people's views on gun and knife crime

As part of our Growing Strong campaign, children and young people were consulted on gun and knife crime – how they are affected by it, why they think it happens and what they think the solutions might be. Young people deserve the chance to be heard, to highlight their experiences and to have a role in shaping the solutions to this important issue.

Ages and Stages of Down's Syndrome

This resource is produced by Down's Syndrome Scotland and looks at the ages and stages of Down's Syndrome. It also provides information about the health problems associated with Down's syndrome, screening and testing, child development, growing older and dementia. There is also a list of relevant professionals that can help people with Down's syndrome as well as their families and carers.

Alcohol: What every parent should know

Drinking alcohol is an accepted part of our culture and most young people who drink alcohol do so without experiencing serious problems. Many parents think their children don’t listen to them, don’t care what they think and won’t do what they say — and vice versa! But what you do and say does have an effect. Talking and listening to your children can be an eye-opener.

Protection of Children and Prevention of Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2005

The primary policy objective of this Act is to improve the protection given to children and young people from those who would wish to cause them sexual harm, or exploit them for sexual purposes. The Act also aims to improve the protection given to adults and children alike from those convicted of sexual offences who still pose a risk of sexual harm.