young people

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 2008 concluding observations : report of a national consultation with young people to determine their priorities for action

Report setting out the findings of a consultation exercise in which the views of young people from all over Scotland were canvassed on the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child's concluding observations to find out how aware children and young people were about children's rights and which rights were most important to them.

Protecting Children and Young People: The Charter Explanatory Booklet

A booklet providing an insight into what lies behind the 13 statements from children and young people in the Protecting Children and Young People Charter. The Charter reflects the voice of children and young people and what they feel they need, and should be able to expect, when they have problems or are in difficulty and need to be protected.

Getting it right for children and young people who present a risk of serious harm: Meeting Need, Managing Risk and Achieving Outcomes

Scottish Government publication to help agencies and professionals working with young people who present a risk of serious harm to themselves and others, to strengthen their procedures and strive for excellence. It is a working document expected to grow and develop as new research is published, agencies use the self-assessment tool and provide feedback on its effectiveness, the Social Work Inspection Agency introduces its self-assessment toolkit, and 'Getting it right for every child' drives change in children’s services.

Making ContactPoint work

The Children's Rights Director is often asked by the Government to find out children's views about ideas or changes that are being proposed in children's social care. This report is about the rules that the Government is proposing for running the new ContactPoint database of all children in England.