young people

The Bradley report : Lord Bradley's review of people with mental health problems or learning disabilities in the criminal justice system

Report of the Bradley Inquiry into the extent to which offenders with mental health problems or learning disabilities in England could be diverted from prison to other services and the obstacles to such diversion. The report makes recommendations on the organisation of effective court liaison and diversion arrangements and the services required to support them.

Healthy weight, healthy lives : commissioning weight management services for children and young people

Guide intended to help local areas in England commission weight management services for children and young people. It includes information on the policy context and contains a series of tools to support commissioners in the area of weight management for children and young people.

Increasing participation : understanding young people who do not participate in education or training at 16 or 17

Report of a study which aimed to achieve a better understanding of young people not in education, employment or training at 16 and 17 through establishing a more detailed breakdown of the 'types' of young people in this category, the structural and personal issues they face and the probable routes into participation in learning for each of them.