
Facts and figures about Scotland's children and young people : factfile 2006-07

This is the sixth edition of Factfile Scotland, the unique annual collection of key facts and information focusing on Scotland’s children and young people, produced by NCH Scotland. NCH Scotland’s aim in producing Factfile Scotland is to provide a publication that government, local authorities, academics, the voluntary sector and other agencies will all find equally useful as a source for key facts about children, families and young people in Scotland.

A Best Practice Guide to Partnering with Resource Families

In the fall of 2007, the North Carolina Division of Social Services launched a resource parent recruitment and retention project based on the strategies recommended by best practice and research.

This project concentrates on the application of broad but concrete steps that individual agencies can take to meet their specific needs, and it builds on the success of the North Carolina’s Multiple Response System and reinforces the strengths of our state’s child welfare system.


Christine Puckering is Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow. She is qualified in clinical, forensic and neuropsychology and developed the Mellow Parenting Programme. She chaired the recent HeadsUpScotland Infant Mental Health Review and has provided infant mental health consultancy across the world.