
Evidence on effectiveness of behavioural interventions to help parents manage sleep problems in young disabled children: a rapid review

This rapid review was undertaken to examine the effectiveness of behavioural interventions for sleep problems in young disabled children (up to age eight years), specifically interventions that can be carried out by parents in the home. Nineteen studies were identified, four were RCTs and 15 were before and after studies, most of which had less than 10 participants. Three of the four RCTs had been conducted in a UK setting.

Disabled children's services national indicator 2009-10: local authority (LA) reports

A collection of disabled children's services national indicator reports setting out findings for each local authority (LA) area for which there was sufficient response from parents from the 2009-2010 survey to measure parental satisfaction of services for disabled children. Each report provides indicator and sub-indicator scores, as well as analysis of parents' comments relating to services in each of the following areas: health, education, and care and family support.

Closing the gap in a generation : health equity through action on the social determinants of health

Document arguing for an end to the significant differences in health and health care between and within countries through actions such as improving daily living conditions, tackling the inequitable distribution of power, money and resources, measuring the problem and assessing the impact of action.

Investing in Children: What Do We Know? What Should We Do?

This paper was published in February 2000 as CASEpaper 34 by the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion at the London School of Economics. It was written by Sheldon Danziger and Jane Waldfogel and is based on a Conference held in 1998 at Columbia University which looked at the investments required in child development to break the cycle of poverty. It concentrates on disadvantaged children and their families from pregnancy to adolescence.