research report

SCIE Report 25: minimising the use of 'restraint' in care homes - challenges, dilemmas and positive approaches

The report describes findings from a small-scale study commissioned by SCIE, which was undertaken as part of the My Home Life programme, a national programme aimed at supporting quality of life for those living, dying, visiting and working in care homes. The study seeks to shed light on the complexity of the issues facing care homes and to explore how managers and staff have developed strategies for avoiding or minimising the use of restraint.

Disabled prisoners: a short thematic review on the care and support of prisoners with a disability

The National Offender Management Service is subject to the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act. This thematic report draws together information from prisoner surveys and inspection reports between 2006 and 2008, together with responses from 82 prison disability liaison officers (DLOs), to examine how well prisons are currently able to discharge these duties. Areas covered include: environment and relationships; safety; health services; activities; and resettlement. The report makes a number of recommendations.

Work and well-being over time: lone mothers and their children

This report provides findings from the third wave of a qualitative longitudinal study, which began in 2003, following a sample of lone mothers who elected to move into employment supported by tax credits following a period of unemployment in receipt of Income Support (or in a few cases Jobseeker's Allowance). The main aim of the research was to explore how lone mothers and their children manage and adapt to employment over time.

Health Action Planning and Health Facilitation for people with learning disabilities: good practice guidance

The purpose of this guidance is to describe and clarify good practice in health facilitation and health action planning and support localities to make progress on this and on reducing health inequalities experienced by people with learning disabilities. It builds on previous DH guidance and reflects the learning that has taken place since 2002 along with key recommendations of relevant recent reports and research. Short examples of good practice are included throughout.

Making it personal

Report advocating self-directed services as a means of transforming public services for the better. It contends that self-directed services can deliver personalised, lasting solutions to people's problems at lower cost and that they give people a real say in shaping the services they want.