research report

The poor relation?: grandparental care: where older people's poverty and child poverty meet

This report notes that there is an incomplete picture of family life in Britain. The scale of the contribution that the UK's 14 million grandparents are making is not fully known. This interim report uses new British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey data to begin to build a more comprehensive picture of Britain's grandparent population; looking at how it has changed over the last decade, and what financial implications becoming a grandparent might involve.

Core tasks for Designated Managers in educational and residential establishments in Scotland

The role of the designated manager for looked after children and young people in schools was established following the publication of the Learning With Care report in 2001. Having a designated manager in educational establishments and developing a reciprocal role in residential child care establishments is central to improving educational outcomes. This Scottish Government guidance is aimed at assisting designated managers in discharging their responsibilities to looked after children, young people and care leavers.

Changing Lives: Report of the 21st Century Social Work Review

Report of the recommendations made by the 21st Century Social Work Review Group for the future of social services in Scotland. Published by the Scottish Government in February 2006, it set out a new direction for social work services in Scotland based on the strong core values of inclusiveness and meeting the whole needs of individuals and families. It seeks to equip social work services to rise to the challenge of supporting and protecting our most vulnerable people and communities in the early part of the 21st century.

Significant case review : Brandon Lee Muir

Report of the significant case review carried out to investigate the particular circumstances surrounding the child protection issues and the role of the agencies involved following the death of Brandon Muir in Dundee. The document also contains the findings and recommendations of an independent review for chief officers which assessed all the information which came out of the Brandon Muir significant case review to help maintain public confidence in local child protection services.