research report

Developing the use of online blended learning with adult literacies learners in Scotland : an overview of the E-learning Support Project, September 2008-March 2009

Report charting the progress of a project developed by Learning Connections to help literacies practitioners in Scotland incorporate online learning into their work with adult literacies learners. The report details some of the online resources developed as a result of the project.

Growing up in Scotland: children's social, emotional and behavioural characteristics at entry to primary school

Document which forms part of a series that summarises key findings from the fourth sweep of the survey, which was collected in 2008/09 when children in the birth cohort were aged 3-4 years and those in the child cohort were aged 5-6 years. It presents key findings from the Growing Up in Scotland study (GUS) report Children’s social, emotional and behavioural characteristics at entry to primary school.

SCIE Report 8: Contributing on equal terms: service user involvement and the benefits system

This report seeks to uncover the difficulties and fears people experience in being paid for their contribution to services and those of the organisations who pay them. By revealing the issues and seeking to have them addressed, it will help in laying the foundations for proper and principled user involvement.

National domestic violence delivery plan : annual progress report 2007/08

Document reporting progress made towards four goals in the effort to tackle domestic violence, namely to increase the early identification of and intervention with victims, to increase the capacity of the domestic violence sector to provide help and support, improve the criminal justice response and support victims through the criminal justice system.