research report

Multi-agency inspection : assessing and managing offenders who present a high risk of serious harm 2009

Report of a joint inspection which scrutinised arrangements for managing offenders whose past offending meant they might pose a serious threat of harm in the future. The report identifies what is working well, what needs to improve and makes recommendations for improvements to the Scottish Government.

Internet-based drug treatment interventions

This report provides a comprehensive review of the relatively new phenomenon of Internet-based drug treatment interventions (DTI). It presents a sample of Internet-based DTI programmes across Europe and outlines their methodologies, providing a series of screen shots to further demonstrate the websites’ content and to provide an overall impression of the types of online treatment available.

Delivering better housing and employment outcomes for offenders on probation (Research report no.610)

Report presenting the findings and recommendations of a study which explored the extent to which information sharing issues were either hampering or facilitating the frontline delivery of Public Service Agreement 16, designed to promote better housing and employment outcomes for socially excluded groups, for adult offenders under probation supervision in England.

The experiences of children with lesbian and gay parents: an initial scoping review of evidence

This paper was written in response to the Hearts and Minds Agenda Group recommendation that research is conducted into the experiences of children of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) parents. This paper presents a review of the findings from eight papers identified by experts in the field and an internal literature search. It should be noted that these identified papers were predominantly focused on lesbian and gay parenting and not on parents identifying as bisexual or transgender.

Community care and mental health services for adults with sensory impairment in Scotland

This paper outlines the key findings from a study which examined the community care and mental health needs of, and current service provision for, sensory impaired adults in Scotland. The study involved a literature review, a mapping exercise of existing services, and consultation with service planners and providers and with service users and their carers. The research focussed on Deaf, deafened, blind, partially sighted and dual sensory impaired adults.