research report

Comparisons of health-related behaviours and health measures in Greater Glasgow with other regional areas in Europe

Report presenting the findings of research which aimed to deepen understanding of Greater Glasgow's health relative to that of regional areas in other countries by comparing health-related behaviours and health measures in Greater Glasgow with those of different European regions. The regions compared were in England, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Wales, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Spain, Belgium and Germany.

Protection of children in England: a progress report

The Protection of Children in England: A Progress Report, by Lord Laming, was published in March 2009 as HC 330. It was commissioned by the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families following the death of "Baby P". "This document, and its recommendations, are aimed at making sure that good practice becomes standard practice in every service. This includes recommendations on improving the inspection of safeguarding services and the quality of Serious Case Reviews as well as recommendations on improving the help and support children receive when they are at risk of harm.

Measuring the harm from illegal drugs : a summary of the Drug Harm Index 2006 - Research Report 13

The Drug Harm Index (DHI) was developed as the overarching measure for the PSA target to reduce the harm caused by illegal drugs. It combines robust national indicators of the harms generated by illegal drugs into a single-figure time-series index. The harms include drug-related crime, community perceptions of drug problems, drug nuisance, and the various health consequences that arise from drug abuse.

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Drug Education in Scottish Schools

This research examines the effectiveness of drug education in Scottish Schools. The research consisted of a literature review, a survey of schools, classroom observations and qualitative research with young people and was commissioned in response to the School Drug Safety Team’s recommendation for research into the outcomes and process of educating young people on drug related issues. Research was conducted between February 2004 and July 2005.

World drug report 2009

Report containing comprehensive information on the illicit drug situation including detailed estimates and trends on production, trafficking and consumption in the heroin, cocaine, cannabis and stimulants markets. It also details trends in drug use among young people and discusses the black market in drugs and what the international community can do to tackle it.

Noticing and Helping the Neglected Child - Literature Review

This study is one of a series of projects, jointly commissioned by the DCSF and the Department of Health, to improve the evidence base on recognition, effective intervention and inter-agency working in child abuse and focuses on recognition of neglect. This literature review aimed to provide a synthesis of the existing empirical evidence about the ways in which children and families signal their need for help, how those signals are recognised and responded to and whether response could be swifter.

High hopes: Supporting ex-prisoners in their lives after prison

This report presents the findings from an exploratory qualitative study that centres on a key Department for Work and Pensions client group that until now has not been extensively researched in terms of its interaction with benefit and employment services and the labour market. It focuses on a cohort of 40 (male) ex-prisoners who were tracked over a six-month period following their release from prison.