research report

Protecting Children and Young People in Dumfries and Galloway : Dumfries & Galloway Child Protection Committee Annual Report 2005 - 2006 and Business Plan 2006 - 2007

The Annual Report sets out the achievements and challenges in the year 2005 to 2006. The Business Plan sets out the range of objectives for the Committee for the year 2006-2007.

Review of section 5 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001

The research examined the use of Section 5 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 and other routes through which local authorities assist statutorily homeless households in securing permanent accommodation from a Registered Social landlord (RSL).

Section 5 gives local authorities the power to require RSLs operating in their area to provide accommodation for homeless households.

The research has been undertaken by Craigforth for the Scottish Government and is to be used by the Government to inform their review of policy and guidance in this area.

Universal Drug Prevention

This review describes research into, and practice of universal drug prevention. It provides information on several different approaches, including school and family based, communities, mass media and generic health interventions. This work is placed in the context of relevant national policy (UK).

Scottish Children's Reporter Administration website

The Scottish Children's Reporter Administration (SCRA) is the national body responsible for providing a world class care and justice system for all Scotland's children. SCRA became fully operational on 1st April 1996 and their main responsibilities are; to facilitate the work of Children's Reporters; to deploy and manage staff to carry out that work; and to provide suitable accommodation for Children's Hearings.

Pride and prejudice: a review of police race relations in Scotland

A report by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary which was published in June 2003. It provides access to statistics and critical discussion of issues relating to policing and race relations in Scotland. This includes coverage of matters arising from the Stephen Lawrence report and accusations of 'institutionalised racism' within the police force, the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority officers; police-community relations in Scotland and the policing of asylum-seekers, refugees and Travellers.