research report

Police and racism: What has been achieved 10 years after the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry report?

Ten years on from the publication of the Lawrence Inquiry report, the Equality and Human Rights Commission wanted to consider what progress the police service has made in terms of race equality. This report deals with four main themes: employment, training, retention and promotion; stop and search; the national DNA database; race hate crimes. The findings are discussed under the aforementioned headings and a number of case studies are presented.

Education Department Research Programme: research findings No.10 - public knowledge of and attitudes towards social work in Scotland

In June 2004, Scottish Ministers initiated the first fundamental review of Social Work since the Social Work (Scotland) Act in 1968. To inform the work of the review, the Scottish Executive Education Department ( SEED) commissioned MORI Scotland to conduct a programme of public opinion research.

The overarching aim of the research was to provide the 21st Century Social Work Review Group with a deeper understanding of public knowledge of, and attitudes towards, social workers and the context in which they operate. This resource presents a summary of the findings of this research.

Women’s voices — experiences and perceptions of women facing drug problems

Epidemiological studies routinely collect quantitative data on gender differences in drug use (e.g. prevalence, mortality), but far less is published on the qualitative aspects of female drug problems. This review presents quotations gleaned from interviews with women in eight countries. Through these testimonies, the report illustrates how qualitative research can provide glimpses into the experiences and perceptions of women facing drug issues that statistics alone cannot provide.

Fabricated or induced illness by carers

This report and its companion entitled Safeguarding Children in Whom Illness is Induced or Fabricated by Carers with Parenting Responsibilities, by the Department of Health, is essential reading for all paediatricians and other members of the multi-disciplinary team in the field of child protection. The Department of Health document sets out policy and guidelines for all professionals, whereas this document discusses clinical issues in more detail and provides practical advice for paediatricians.

Social Work Curriculum on Alcohol Use Disorders

Social work educators prepare professionals to practice in a variety of settings where they have the opportunity to improve outcomes for their clients who either have an identifiable alcohol use disorder or are at risk for developing one. Lecture-ready modules, developed by top-named experts in alcoholism and social work research, support professional MSW education. Materials include Powerpoint presentations, handout materials, classroom activities, and accompanying case examples to extend student interaction with the subject matter.

Multi-agency protection arrangements (MAPPA) in Scotland: what do the numbers tell us?

Briefing paper that collates for the first time, statistics about multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA) across Scotland. The paper begins by outlining the MAPPA arrangements in Scotland and compares information about offenders managed through MAPPA in Scotland with those in England and Wales. It then offers a detailed examination of the data available about MAPPA in Scotland.

How social workers spend their time: an analysis of the key issues that impact on practice pre- and post implementation of the integrated children's system

Over several years now commentators have raised concerns that an increasing administrative burden is deflecting social workers from working directly with children and families to identify and meet their needs. This study involved a secondary analysis of existing research data to provide information on the extent to which social workers report spending their time on direct activities with children, young people and their families, and on indirectly related activities such as liaising with other professionals or recording information.

World Alzheimer Reports

Reports presenting a comprehensive global prevalence study of dementia and examining levels of mortality, disability, strain on carers and dependency. Also considers examples of good national dementia plans and provides information on health service responses. It includes recommendations for a global framework for action on dementia.

Manifesto for childhood

The manifesto sets out a plan of action based on the findings of The Good Childhood Inquiry®, 'A Good Childhood: Searching for Values in a Competitive Age', which stimulated a major national debate about how the nation treats its young people. The manifesto identifies three key areas in which political leaders must act to improve childhood now and for future generations, and calls for every political party to write these pledges into their manifestos.