research report

The living standards of families with children reporting low incomes

The government has high-profile child poverty targets which are assessed using a measure of income, as recorded in the Household Below Average Income series (HBAI).

However, income is an imperfect measure of living standards. Previous analysis suggests that some children in households with low income do not have commensurately low living standards.

This report aims to document the extent to which this is true, focusing on whether children in low-income households have different living standards depending on whether their parents are employed, self-employed, or workless.

Families in Britain : the impact of changing family structures and what the public think

Report tracing the changing nature of the family and what that means for parents, children and society with a view to stimulating debate on family policy. It explores the changing face of families in Britain and the impact of these changes on society, public opinion and the role of government. It also highlights the opportunities for policymakers created by the changing demographic, social and attitudinal terrain.

Transitions to adult services by disabled young people leaving out authority residential schools

This is a report on a study that sought to identify: differences in planning for disabled young people in residential schools outside local authority boundaries compared to young people attending their local special schools; the factors which impact on transition planning and transition outcomes for these young people; key areas for future research and the feasibility of such work.