research report

Services for young people who sexually abuse: a report on mapping and exploring services for young people who have sexually abused others

This publication reports on a study that investigated recent developments in the UK and Republic of Ireland in services for young people who have demonstrated sexually abusive behaviour. The authors carried out: a literature review; a survey of key experts; a study of structural and management issues in this area; a mapping survey; analysis of policy documents; a qualitative study of service user perspectives. Findings from each activity are discussed separately before being drawn together in the final chapter.

Key messages: overview of mental health services

Key messages are presented from a study looking at mental health services provided by the NHS, councils, prisons, the police and the voluntary sector across Scotland for all ages. The study examines the accessibility and availability of mental health services and how much is spent on them.

The report provides an overview of mental health services and is the first in a series of planned reports in this area. The researchers carried out an overview to highlight areas for improvement and to identify priorities for future audit work.

Public sector austerity, personalisation and the implications for the voluntary sector workforce

Report that examines the principles of personalisation and considers some of the likely consequences and emergent issues in terms of changes in the nature of work, particularly focusing on likely workforce development challenges in terms of the provision of appropriate skills to support the personalisation agenda.

Integrated care for drug or alcohol users: principles and practice update 2008

This document provides an update to the 'Integrated care for drug users: principles and practice' October 2002 published by the Effective Interventions Unit (EIU), which set out the definitions and concepts of integrated care for drug misusers. It also set out the key principles underpinning an integrated care approach and provided detailed evidence of effective practice under each of the six key elements of the integrated care process.

A study into local authority charging for non-residential social care services

A stakeholder task and finish group was formed to advise Welsh Assembly Government Ministers on options for introducing consistency to non residential social care charges. This report begins with a summary of the consultation activity and an overview of stakeholder views. The main focus of the report is identifying and assessing policy options aimed at achieving greater consistency in charging for non residential social care services in Wales.

Older people shaping policy and practice

This report draws together the programme findings of 18 research projects about issues that older people have raised as central to their lives. The 18 projects covered: information, advice and advocacy; older people’s own definitions of quality; the needs of black and minority ethnic older people; unmet need; issues relating to involving older people; older people’s views on intermediate care; the importance of money; and older people’s definitions of comfortable healthy ageing and a ‘life worth living’.

Queens Cross Nursery Aberdeen [report of inspection by HMIE on behalfof both HMIE and the Care Commission]

Queens Cross Nursery was inspected in April 2009. The centre caters for pre-school children aged three to five years. It is registered for 18 children attending at any one session. The total roll was 14 at the time of the inspection. As a result of the good quality of education provided by the centre no further visits are required.