research report

The incarceration of drug offenders: an overview

This report published by the Beckley Foundation Drug Policy Programme in partnership with the International Centre for Prison Studies at Kings College London, revisits the topic of the incarceration of drug offenders [IDPC, UK].

Most governments make strong statements about the need to maintain, and often increase, police activity and penal sanctions for drug users. This approach, it was claimed, is based on the idea that strong enforcement, and widespread incarceration, will deter potential users and dealers from becoming involved in the illegal drug market.

Re-Ach Project evaluation support

Report of an evaluation of the Re-Ach Project, a two-year pilot programme whose purpose was, through challenging workshops and performance coaching, to "raise aspiration, engagement and achievement among young people who are least likely to succeed and achieve and most likely to indulge in behaviour which is not productive for them".

Motivations for Undertaking the New Social Work Degree : Report - August 2005

In January 2005, the Social Work Services Policy Division of the Scottish Executive commissioned the British Market Research Bureau (BMRB) to undertake research to understand why social work students are undertaking the new social work degree and the postgraduate degree. This resource is the full report detailing the findings of this research.

Associations between childhood bereavement and children's background, experiences and outcomes : secondary analysis of the 2004 Mental Health of Children and Young People in Great Britain data

Report of a study which explored the background characteristics, experiences and outcomes of bereaved children using a nationally representative sample of 5- to 16- year-olds living in the UK. It examined differences between children who experienced the death of a parent or sibling and those who experienced the death of a friend.

Where next for pupils excluded from special schools and Pupil Referral Units?

Report of a study which looked at routes, destinations and outcomes for pupils permanently excluded from special schools and Pupil Referral Units. The study arose out of concerns over the quality of educational provision for young people with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties in England voiced by the Steer Report.

Poverty, inequality and human rights

This research examines how human rights have been used internationally to shape new conceptions of poverty and new approaches to combating it, and assesses the lessons for the UK. People working to tackle poverty in the UK are increasingly interested in using human rights in their work. This study looks at how this has been done in other countries, its impact on affected communities, debate, policy and government programmes, and its relevance for the UK.

Prisoners' voices : experiences of the criminal justice system by prisoners with learning disabilities and difficulties

Report containing the findings of a large survey of prisoners with learning disabilities and difficulties, examining their experiences of the criminal justice system, discussing the over-arching themes which emerged and making recommendations for change.