research report

Remember, I’m still me

Care homes across Scotland need to significantly improve the care they offer to people living with dementia.

This report was produce by the Care Commission and the Mental Welfare Commission and highlights a range of concerns, most notably the excessive use of drugs used to control behaviour and the lack of regular medication reviews.

Time and income poverty

Time and money are two key constraints on what people can achieve. The income constraint is widely recognised by policy-makers and social scientists in their concern with poverty. Proposed solutions often focus on getting people into paid work, but this risks ignoring the demands people may have on their time. This study looks at individuals who are significantly limited by time and income constraints: those who could escape income poverty only by incurring time poverty, or vice versa.

Report to the Secretary of State on the Review of Elective Home Education in England

This review has been triggered by a range of issues and representations, not least being the quite proper concern to ensure that systems for keeping children safe and ensuring that they receive a suitable education are as robust as possible.

The review was conducted by means of structured interview with a range of stakeholders including home educating parents and children, visits to local authorities and home education groups, a public call for evidence and a questionnaire to all top tier local authorities in England.

Partner exploitation and violence in teenage intimate relationships

Report of a study which aimed to examine in depth young people's experiences of partner violence and the best ways to respond to this problem. The study used a broad definition of violence which encompassed emotional, verbal, physical and sexual forms of violence. These were studied both in isolation and as they co-exist within young people's relationships.

Early years, life chances and equality: a literature review

Reviews recent literature on how early years experiences may impact on life chances for different groups of the population. Life chances can cover a range of opportunities that people can experience as they become adults and into their later life. These opportunities include, for example, the likelihood of being in employment over individuals’ lifetimes, the chances of obtaining educational qualifications and the chances of good physical and mental health.

Parental confidence in the special educational needs assessment, statementing and tribunal system : qualitative study (Research report DCSF-RR117)

Report presenting the findings of a study of parental experiences of the special educational needs (SEN) assessment, statementing and Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST) system. The goal was to gain a greater insight into perceived problems with SEN provision and to identify those factors which make the system work well for some parents and not others.