research report

Living on the edge: enabling older owner occupiers with moderate learning disabilities to live independently

Report focusing on the plight of older people with mild to moderate learning disabilities living independently in their own homes. It notes that many reach crisis points which threaten their independence and argues that a service response model based on crisis support workers is the most effective way of preventing such crises occurring and recurring.

Young people's housing transitions

Issues affecting young people's ability to access independent housing are rising up the political agenda. In a series of UK-wide discussions and events, young people and practitioners working with young people gave their views on the housing options available to young people and whether these meet their needs and aspirations. It identified emerging trends, barriers young people face and examples of good practice.

Barriers to work: lone parents and the challenges of working

As part of its drive to end child poverty by 2020, the Government aims to encourage 300,000 more lone parents into work.

A number of questions arise, however, about the measures that the government is taking to achieve that goal: Are they appropriate? Will they be effective? What could be done differently?

This report looks at these questions from the perspective of lone parents who use Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) services.

Child Protection Inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death of Kennedy McFarlane

Following the tragic death of three year old Kennedy McFarlane on the 17th of May 2000, Dumfries and Galloway Child Protection Committee (CPC) commissioned an immediate inquiry into the circumstances which led up to her fatal injury. The object of this inquiry is not to apportion blame but to learn lessons which will help to protect children from abuse and neglect in the future. Also known as The Hammond Report.

Child neglect: experiences from the frontline

Presents new evidence on the damaging effects of neglect and the challenges of dealing with the issue, as told by the professionals in a position to spot the early warning signs – before more serious concerns are reported to the police or social workers. It paints a worrying picture from the frontline of the signs and consequences of child neglect as seen in nurseries, primary schools, hospitals and in local communities across the UK.