research report

Dying to belong: an in-depth review of street gangs in Britain

This report presents an overview of the landscape of gangs and gang culture in Britain. It attempts to analyse the nature and scale of gang culture in Britain; who is involved and what they are involved in; how Britain has reached this point; and what society can do to tackle it. The report also aims to formulate a clear unifying definition of a gang, distinguishing it from the everyday activity of young people on the street.

Young people, crime and public perceptions: a review of the literature

This research report addresses the perceptions of youth crime portrayed by the media and held by the public at large. It attempts to answer questions such as; has there been a change in levels of youth crime in recent years?; what is the current public perception of youth crime?; where perceptions of crime differ greatly from the reality, what are the underlying reasons for this? It seeks answers from the literature and self-report surveys, in particular, the British Crime Survey (BCS).

Refuge for young runaways in the UK: a critical overview

This report deals with the concept of 'refuge' for children under the age of sixteen who are away from home or care, as established under section 51 of the Children's Act 1989 and section 38 of The Children's (Scotland) Act 1995. It discusses the factors affecting its provision in the UK and goes on to detail a series of pilot programmes, run between 2004-2006. These were funded by the Department of Health and the Department for Education and Skills, aimed to extend the models of community-based refuge.

Parent power

Report surveying the state of the school education system in Scotland and advocating greater power for parents and autonomy for schools as a means of improving standards in school education.

It's everyone's job to make sure I'm alright: report of the child protection audit and review

Review to promote the reduction of abuse or neglect of children, and to improve the services for children who experience abuse or neglect. It pays particular attention to the needs of the small number of children whose family or environmental circumstances are so poor that their future wellbeing is placed at serious risk.