
The role of the registered social worker in statutory interventions: guidance for local authorities

Consultation on the role of the registered social worker (sometimes referred to as reserved functions). The overarching purpose of the Scottish Government is to focus government and public services on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland.

The purpose of this guidance for local authorities is to set out those social work functions which only registered social workers should be accountable for.

London guidelines for assessing children and families affected by adults viewing child sexual abuse images on the internet

Produced on behalf of the London Safeguarding Children Board and in conjunction with the Essex Safeguarding Children Board, the aim of this document is to provide practice guidance to support practitioners working with children and families affected by adults viewing child sexual abuse images – particularly via the Internet; to identify key principles to help inform assessments; to consider some of the practice implications; and to provide an overview of current messages from research and underpinning knowledge.

Aiming High for Young People

In 2007 the Government launched a 10-year plan for young people. Its full title was ‘Aiming High for Young People: A Ten Year Strategy for Positive Activities’. This document outlines the commitments made within the plan and how the Government plans to implement these. It includes contact information so that young people can get involved and give their opinions.

100 ways to support recovery

Report advocating one hundred ways in which those working in the mental health sector can aid the recovery of people with mental health problems. In particular, it focuses on four key tasks, namely developing a positive identity, framing the mental health problem, self managing the mental health problem and developing valued social roles.