
The ten essential shared capabilities: a framework for the whole of the mental health workforce

The ten essential shared capabilities, developed in consultation with service users and carers together with practitioners, provide in one overarching statement, the essential capabilities required to achieve best practice for education and training of all staff who work in mental health services.

Recognising complexity: commissioning guidance for personality disorder services

Practice guidance for commissioners in the NHS, criminal justice system, local authorities and others, to help them improve outcomes for people with personality disorders.

The guidance provides information and suggestions on best practice drawn from pilot services and from service users, and is organised into four sections which provide information on: an overview of the broad context; key areas for effective commissioning; commissioning dedicated personality disorder services; and commissioning for groups with particular needs.

SCIE Resource guide 22: Children of prisoners - maintaining family ties

This report brings together resources and research about maintaining family ties for children of prisoners. It provides a review of literature from the past fifteen years as well as examples of practice from England, Scotland and Northern Ireland of what works to support children and their families. The findings highlight the negative impact parental imprisonment can have on children. This area of work cuts across a number of sectors and requires a multi-disciplinary readership and response if outcomes for this group of children are to be improved.

Transforming community services: enabling new patterns of provision

This enabling guidance is intended to help primary care trust providers of community services to move their relationship with their commissioners to a purely contractual one and consider what type of organisations would best meet the future needs of patients and local communities, and how change can be managed to support the transformation of services to patients.