
Still going strong : a guide to living with dementia

This booklet, produced by the Mental Health Foundation, is for people who want to find out more about living with dementia. It explains some of the basic facts about dementia, gives ideas on where to get practical and emotional help, offers advice on planning for the future, and details some strategies which other people have used to cope with dementia. Finally, it recommends places to go for information and help for people with dementia.

SCIE Research resource 03: SCIE Systematic mapping guidance (Draft)

Systematic mapping is a transparent technique for describing research literature on a broad topic. It allows us to take stock of the research available in any given area of social care, so that we can decide how to develop it. A map provides both a searchable database for researchers and policy makers, and a stand-alone piece of work describing the literature on that topic.

Mind How to improve your wellbeing through physical activity and sport

Mind is a leading mental health charity in England and Wales and has produced information on many areas of mental health. Physical activity can boost mental wellbeing and change your outlook on life. It can help people with anxiety and depression, and might even prevent such problems from developing in the first place. This booklet provides practical advice about ways of building more activity into your life, and identifies ways to help you stick to a more active lifestyle. It's not designed to give detailed information about individual activities.

Transforming community services: ambition, action, achievement: transforming services for people with long term conditions

One of a series of six transforming community service best practice guides for frontline staff and their leaders which aims to help to deliver High Quality Care for all: the Next Sate Review. Each guide has a similar framework, clearly setting out ambitions, taking action to deliver, using best available evidence and demonstrating and measuring achievement. The guides also highlight what is considered to be good practice across community services.

The Children's hearing system in Scotland 2002: training resource manual

In 1996 the Scottish Office commissioned a complete revision of the existing guidance manual for Children's Panel members in order to bring it up to date, in particular for the new legislation. The Children (Scotland) Act 1995 was implemented in April 1997 and the Human Rights Act 1998 has since been introduced. Experience of working with the new legislation has brought about best practice guidelines.