
Signs for improvement: commissioning interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm

This guidance is designed to direct commissioners to resources and guidance which will assist them in commissioning interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm in their local community. It offers ways to improve commissioning, looking at each World Class Commissioning competency and all stages in the commissioning cycle. Contents include: why a focus on alcohol-related harm?; commissioning to improve the outcome for people at risk of alcohol related harm; World Class Commissioning Competencies and the commissioning cycle.

Practical guide to preparing for mental health payment by results

Mental health payment by results is a funding methodology which aims to predict mental health need and cost more accurately. The methodology involves identifying service users with similar characteristics (they are to be grouped into 21 "clusters") and will be allocated to groups using an assessment tool.

This practical guide contains 10 actions to help local areas prepare for mental health payment by results policy. The guide also contains a glossary of common terminology and a check-list to help commissioners of services.

Practice Learning Qualification. PLQ(SS)

The Practice Learning Qualification (Social Services) is a suite of qualifications set at four different levels and aimed at supporting the learning of staff and students in the workplace.

The qualifications reflect the importance of practice learning throughout the workforce and enable those involved in supporting practice learning at all levels of their organisation to gain recognition for their knowledge and skills.

Talking With Your Older Patient

What are effective ways to interact with older patients, particularly with those facing multiple illnesses, hearing and vision impairments, or cognitive problems? How does one approach sensitive topics such as driving privileges or assisted living? Are there special communication strategies that can help older patients who are experiencing confusion or memory loss? It is with these questions in mind, that the National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institute of Health, developed this Handbook.