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After care: young people's views on leaving care

Report that gives the views of young people, mainly from among those who have left care, about their experience of care and leaving care. As well as looking at what young people have said, we have also tried to see whether they have been getting what the law says that they should be. This report should give an important insight into how well the care system is doing for children and young people, and how it prepares them for their own future, through the eyes of those leaving care for independent adult life.

This is my life: improving support for families in poverty with the sustainable livelihoods approach

This report details findings of the Key Family Research Project that ran from October 2009 to March 2010 and used the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) to map the lives of several families experiencing poverty and social exclusion in the London boroughs of Hackney and Waltham Forest.

Understanding society: findings 2012

Second annual publication of findings from Understanding Society, the UK Household Longitudinal Study. 'Understanding society' is a major social science investment in longitudinal studies with potentially huge long-term implications for social science and other research and for the understanding of the UK in the early twenty-first century. It provides valuable new evidence about the people of the UK, their lives, experiences, behaviours and beliefs, and enables an unprecedented understanding of diversity within the population.

Getting it right for children and families

The rights of children and young people are set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The Convention sets out what a child can expect from others as a result of their government’s commitment to respect their rights.

The Scottish Government has made a commitment to make sure that the UNCRC is a reality in Scotland – that children’s rights are recognised and their voices heard and listened to.

This document proposes that 'Getting it right for every child' will help make the UNCRC a reality for children and young people in Scotland.

Living in children's residential homes

Short study which provides an insight into the nature of children’s residential homes, the characteristics and circumstances of the young people who live in them and on the short-term outcomes for these young people. It builds on our recent research for the Department for Education (DfE) 'Raising the Bar? An Evaluation of the Social Pedagogy Pilot Programme in Children’s Residential Homes'.

The right to take risks: service users views of risk in adult social care

This paper gives voice to service users’ fears and concerns about risk. It identifies additional risks to those commonly identified by professionals and policy-makers and explores how perceptions of risk and rights are significantly different for mental health service users.

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) commissioned this paper as part of its programme on risk, trust and relationships in an ageing society, which aims to explore how risk features in the lives of adults who use care and support.