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Supporting families with complex needs: findings from LARC4

Report that offers new evidence from more than 30 case studies, showing that even for children and families with much more complex needs, including those on the edge of care, it is still possible to achieve significant improvements in outcomes in a very cost-effective way by intervening appropriately once the families‟ needs have come to the attention of practitioners.

Left behind

Report that reflects findings from a programme of visits that took place across Scotland between April and July 2011 to individuals with severe and enduring mental illness in rehabilitation and continuing care wards based in psychiatric hospitals across Scotland.

Continuity of care for older hospital patients: a call for action

Paper that focuses on the experiences of older people with multiple health problems, and particularly on their experiences inside hospital. Continuity is especially important for these older patients because: they are more likely to spend time in hospital and to be in hospital for longer; if they are frail, a stay in hospital can be life-changing; and, regrettably, in some hospitals and some wards older patients are exposed to unacceptable standards of care.

Shaping the criminal justice system: The role of those supported by criminal justice services (IRISS Insights, No. 13)

One of a series of evidence reports to support social services in Scotland.

This Insight focuses on the issue of involving those who have offended in shaping the criminal justice system, exploring the different models of involvement, the effectiveness of different approaches and the implications for Criminal Justice Social Work services.

National evaluation of the Department of Health’s integrated care pilots

Document of the final output of an evaluation of the 16 DH Integrated Care Pilots (ICPs). It provides an account of the evaluation activities conducted, the data collected and the analyses completed.

Based on this it identifies key findings and conclusions about the processes and outcomes seen within the pilots during the evaluation. The evaluation was conducted by a team from RAND Europe and Ernst and Young LLP, with additional statistical analysis provided by the RAND Corporation and The Nuffield Trust.