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Social workers: Workforce risks and opportunities 2012

Information collated to provide an overview of the supply and demand of social workers over the next three to five years. It considers the key factors influencing the estimation of future need of the social worker profession and gives an assessment of the current workforce supply.

It includes regional perspectives and a summary analysis of risks in training. This report builds upon the Workforce Risks and Opportunities: Adult social care report (CfWI, 2011) to bring social work workforce intelligence into one report.

Roma inclusion: a progressive and rights-based approach (General Policy Paper No. 7)

This seventh General Policy Paper by the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) is the product of ongoing concern and reflection regarding the development of progressive integration and social inclusion policies as a tool to combat racism.

It comes shortly after the EU designed and adopted a European Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies, an important step in acknowledging politically the need to improve Roma inclusion initiatives and policies and to combat segregation.

Disability costs and equivalence scales in the older population

Research study that uses the dual indices of individuals’ standard of living and degree of disability, using UK survey data covering over 8,000 people who are over state pension age. The indices are used to estimate the additional income that each disabled person would need in order to reach the same standard of living as he or she would enjoy without any disability.

There may be 'trouble' ahead: what we know about those 120,000 'troubled' families

The Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK Project is funded by the Economic, Science and Research Council (ESRC). The Project is a collaboration between the University of Bristol, University of Glasgow, Heriot Watt University, Open University, Queen’s University (Belfast), University of York, the National Centre for Social Research and the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. The project commenced in April 2010 and will run for three-and-a-half years.

Access all areas: action for all government departments to support young people's journey from care to adulthood

Report that starts dialogue with central government by suggesting particular areas and issues that should be addressed in four government depar tments: Communities and Local Government; Department for Work and Pensions; Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and Department of Health. In addition it proposes that that the Department for Education, which has primary responsibility for care leavers, joins with the Cabinet Office to lead a cross government approach to improving journeys from care to adulthood.