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Breaking the cycle of women's offending: a system re-design

Paper based on a swift consultation and actionplanning exercise with a group of RR3 representatives and additional stakeholders co-opted for their expertise and strategic overview of women in the CJS.

The group took a dynamic approach to the task by analysing the key routes of girls and women into and out of the CJS and considering how to stem the flow in a more gender-responsive way.

Poverty and inequality in 2020: impact of changes in the structure of employment

Report concerned with the impact of future changes in employment structures and pay patterns on income inequality and poverty.

The report findings suggest that:
• relative poverty and inequality are set to rise by 2020 as a result of changes to the structure of employment and future changes in the tax and benefit system
• absolute poverty is likely to be aff ected very little by those changes
• to mitigate increases in poverty and inequality, a very precise and targeted approach to policy, focusing on households in poverty, will be required.

Digital exclusion

Report that summarises the findings of a study by the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group on digital exclusion and the impact of the government’s ‘digital by default’ policies on taxpayers, tax credit claimants and National Insurance contributors who are digitally excluded.

The Big Society Audit 2012

The Big Society Audit, which is supported by the Joseph Rowntree charitable Trust and the calouste gulbenkian Foundation UK, is the first ever audit of the changes that successive governments have been seeking to empower communities; promote social action; and open up public services.

The Audit does not seek to pass judgement on the success of the Big Society, however, it does attempt to identify the broad direction of travel and provide a baseline against which to measure future success.