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Co-production for health: a new model for a radically new world

A national colloquium was held in November for an invited audience of public health, primary care, and local authority leaders. The summit considered how organisations could start to use the new arrangements for public health and commissioning positively at the local level to deliver better health outcomes and a reduction in health inequalities in the context of budget constraint.

Systematic review of beliefs, behaviours and influencing factors associated with disclosure of a mental health problem in the workplace

Paper that reviews evidence on: employment-related disclosure beliefs and behaviours of people with a mental health problem; factors associated with the disclosure of a mental health problem in the employment setting; whether employers are less likely to hire applicants who disclose a mental health problem; and factors influencing employers’ hiring beliefs and behaviours towards job applicants with a mental health problem.

Government support towards the additional living costs of working–age disabled people (Seventh report of session 2012-12)

Report that looks at the existing objectives for DLA and the changes the Government hopes to bring about through the introduction of PIP (Personal Independence Payment); assesses the government’s consultation and communications process for the reform; examines the Government’s performance to date in assessing the likely impacts of the policy change; analyses the eligibility criteria and the new assessment for PIP; and assesses the proposals for implementation and contracting arrangements.

A guide to developing a short break bureau

Shared Care Scotland exists to promote the development of more imaginative, personcentred approaches to short breaks and respite care. The carers and service users we speak to are looking for quality services which offer choice, flexibility and reliability; a range of services that meet different needs and circumstances rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach. The development of Short Break Bureaux in Scotland, involves collaborative working between the statutory and voluntary sector. This guide provides a model of service planning.

More than a break

The purpose of this discussion paper is to set out some of the key issues related to the experience of disabled children and their families in being able to access suitable short break and respite care support, and their experience of services received. The paper is intended as a starting point to stimulate a wider discussion amongst service users, carers, providers, planners and others to determine the main priorities for improving provision and achieving better outcomes for all concerned.