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Risk and the Big Society

Paper that has two distinct but related aims. First, it seeks to draw attention to what seems a neglected set of questions in an otherwise familiar debate about risk and regulation. In short, it argues that thinking about regulation, at least as it applies to public policy, is too often framed as a simple choice between risk and regulation, with little thought given to non-regulatory ways of managing risk.

Out of sight: stopping the neglect and abuse of people with a learning disability

Report that tells the stories of James, Chrissy, Joe, Emmanuel and Victoria. Each section tells a part of their stories through the words of their families. It documents their experiences of not getting the right care locally, how they ended up in assessment and treatment units, what happened to them there and where they are now.

Improving development outcomes for children through effective practice in integrating early years services (Research Review 3)

Review that aims to provide the reader with a clearer understanding of integrated service provision in the early years and the policy behind it. It was carried out by the Institute of Education on behalf of the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People’s Services (C4EO).

Improving development outcomes for children through effective practice in integrating early years services (Knowledge Review 3)

Knowledge review that tells us what works in integrating early years services. It is based on a rapid review of the research literature involving systematic searching, analysis of key data, validated local practice examples and views from people using services and providers. It summarises the best available evidence that will help service providers to improve services and, ultimately, outcomes for children, young people and their families.

Improving children’s attainment through a better quality of family-based support for early learning (Research Review 2)

Review to identify the best available evidence on the potential and practical possibilities for improving children’s early learning outcomes through family-based support. The review seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of the forms of family support that research has identified as significant and the specific learning outcomes they affect. The review also provides a common language and framework for the ongoing C4EO engagement with systems change and practice improvement.

Improving children's attainment through a better quality of family-based support for early learning (Knowledge Review 2)

Knowledge review that tells us what works in improving family-based support for children’s learning. It is based on a rapid review of the research literature involving systematic searching, analysis of key data, validated local practice examples and views from both people using services and providers. It summarises the best available evidence that will help service service providers to improve services and ultimately outcomes for children, young people and their families.

Narrowing the gap in outcomes for young children through effective practices in the early years (Research Review 1)

Report that presents findings from a rapid review of research and national data on the impact of certain background characteristics on outcomes for children in the early years. It seeks to identify the approaches that are most effective in reducing educational disadvantage and promoting positive outcomes. The review focused on children from birth to seven years of age and included evidence published since 2000. A total of 465 items of literature were identified and considered for inclusion in this review.

Narrowing the gap in outcomes for children through effective practices in the early years (Knowledge Review 1)

Knowledge review that tells us what works in narrowing the gap in outcomes for young children through effective practices in the early years. It is based on a rapid review of the research literature involving systematic searching, analysis of key data, validated local practice examples and the views from both people using services and service providers. It summarises the best available evidence that will help service providers to improve services and, ultimately, outcomes for children, young people and their families.

Public attitudes to youth crime: report on focus group research

Paper that reports the findings of a series of focus groups set up to explore public attitudes to youth crime.

The topics included the respondents‟ views of:
- the extent of crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB) in the local community and the perceived causes of these
- restorative justice
- volunteering and the role of the community in preventing crime and in supporting youth justice.