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In the eye of the storm: Britain's forgotten children and families

Research report for Action for Children, The Children's Society and NSPCC.

The research set out to:
• measure the number of families with children in Britain who are most vulnerable to adverse economic conditions, using a number of different definitions of ‘vulnerability’; and
• estimate how these families will be affected over the next few years by the changes to tax and benefits, cuts to public services and the on-going effects of the post-2008 economic downturn.

Practitioner research in social services: A literature review (summary)

Summary of a literature review undertaken to establish the context for practitioner research and its impact on practice through identifying practitioner research carried out in a social services context. The review formed part of an evaluation into the initiative taken by Children 1st and the Glasgow School of Social Work to develop a practitioner research programme. The evaluation was commissioned by the Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) with funding from the Scottish Government's Changing Lives Fund.

A fair budget: a discussion paper exploring the role of the RAS in the development of self-directed support

Discussion paper that describes a way forward for developing Resource Allocation Systems (RAS) in Scotland as an essential component of a sustainable system of self-directed support. It argues that, rather than fixate on one model or system, there needs to be a period of genuine innovation and exploration in partnership with disabled people and families.

A Scotland for children: a consultation on the Children and Young People Bill

The Scottish Government is committed to addressing the challenges faced by children and young people who experience poor outcomes throughout their lives. To do this, services will need to be child-centred, responsive and joined up. Children and young people deserve services that can intervene more effectively and earlier in their lives and that listen and take full account of their views

This consultation paper sets out a vision for how to achieve this vision through legislation.

An examination of parity principles in welfare and wider social policy

Paper that explores the operation of the parity principle in Northern Ireland (NI), drawing on experiences of Scotland. Issues considered include the background to the ‘parity principle’ in NI and other examples where it has been identified as an issue, an exploration of the range of arguments articulated as to the implications of breaking parity with GB, how the implications vary depending on the specific policy areas in question, and the likely outcomes of breaking parity in relation to measures included in the Welfare Reform Bill (Northern Ireland) 2012.

Fair access to justice? Support for vulnerable defendants in the criminal courts

Briefing paper that has been prepared for criminal justice, healthcare and legal professionals and practitioners, members of the judiciary, and local government directors of adult and children’s services and lead members in England and Wales.

It will be of particular use to those working in liaison and diversion services in England and criminal justice liaison services in Wales; magistrates; defence lawyers and court staff.