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Leading the way: the distinctive contribution of the not-for-profit sector in social care (Paper 1: people)

One of three related papers which explore the distinctive contribution which the not-for-profit sector makes to social care. It explores the importance of an effective and committed workforce in delivering good quality care, and shows how the not-for-profit sector is leading the way in developing sustainable policy and best practice.

Persistent poverty and children's cognitive development: evidence from the UK Millennium Cohort Study

Paper that investigates the impact of persistent poverty on the cognitive development of children in the very early years of their lives. It uses the UK Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), which is a sample of 19,000 children born in UK around the turn of the century.

The report traces the children's cognitive development as measured in a series of standard tests up until they are 7 years old. Its focus is on the impact of living in poverty on this cognitive development.

Ending child poverty: the importance of income in measuring and tackling child poverty

Report that sets out Save the Children’s view of why income must remain a key part of measuring and tackling child poverty. This is based on their longstanding belief that low income is central to the experience of poverty.

The report also looks at the progress that has been made in reducing child poverty to date and argues that efforts to suggest the 2020 targets cannot be met are premature. It concludes that income based measures of poverty, including the internationally recognised relative income measure, must remain central to anti-poverty approaches.

Exploration of the costs and impact of the Common Assessment Framework

The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) is a standardised approach for the assessment of children and their families, to facilitate the early identification of additional needs and to promote a coordinated service response.

The study aims to explore the impact of the CAF on both children and families and professionals, and examines how far a ‘bottom up’ cost calculation methodology could be extended to include the costs of the Common Assessment Framework.

Teens and toddlers integrated process evaluation

Teens and Toddlers (T&T) is a youth development and teenage pregnancy prevention programme and the central project of the Children: Our Ultimate Investment (COUI) organisation. COUI UK was founded in 2001 and introduced the Teens and Toddlers programme to address social exclusion and high teenage pregnancy rates.

NatCen was commissioned to carry out a rigorous outcome and process evaluation of the T&T programme via a randomised controlled trial (RCT) with an embedded process evaluation. This report sets out the findings of the process evaluation.