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What's in a name? Is there a case for equal marriage

Report that seeks to adopt an evidence-based analysis of the arguments around marriage equality to consider whether there is a compelling argument to reform the law.

It pursues a reasoned analysis of the equal marriage concept and its practical implications and evaluate the arguments on both sides of the divide. It also explores the experience of other countries where equal marriage is already a reality.

Report 60: Safeguarding adults: multi-agency policy and procedure for the West Midlands

This resource reflects the commitment of organisations in the West Midlands and allied local authorities to work together to safeguard adults at risk. The policy and procedures are aimed at different agencies and individuals involved in safeguarding adults, including managers, professionals, volunteers and staff working in public, voluntary and private sector organisations. Resource published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in July 2012. Review date July 2015.

Rest assured? A study of unpaid carers' experiences of short breaks

This report describes the findings of research carried out between August and December 2011 into the experiences of unpaid carers in accessing and using short breaks (respite care). The study explored, from the carers’ perspective the benefits of short breaks (provided by formal services and family and friends), good practice in planning and provision, deficits and areas for improvement. Research findings are based on 1210 responses to a Scotland-wide survey distributed through carer organisations, four focus groups involving 36 carers and 13 interviews.

"Why are they going to listen to me?" Young people's perspective on the complaints system in the youth justice system and secure estate

Report that outlines views on the complaints process in the youth justice system, from the perspectives and capturing the experiences of children in that system.

It builds on the previous work of the Office of the Children’s Commissioner and User Voice in this field.

"It takes a lot of courage": children and young people's experiences of complaints procedures in services for mental health and sexual health including those provided by GPs

Report that combines data from primary and secondary sources to produce compelling evidence about children and young people’s experiences of complaints systems, with particular reference to sexual health and mental health services, including those delivered by GPs.

Disability and universal credit

Briefing that looks at four particular financial changes for disabled children, adults and their families, and considers how they will interact with the broader universal credit changes. Whilst three of the changes are cuts and one is an increase, not all the people affected by the specific losses and gains will lose or gain overall in the way that might be expected. This briefing unpicks some of the complexity.

A good practice overview of fostering and adoption activity

Study that provides information on existing models of practice that would be useful to other councils considering adopting a similar approach in their own fostering or adoption services.

The study focuses on three key areas:
• the benefits and challenges of approaches
• how models of working might be refined in the future
• any actual or future impacts expected through the new models of working