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Integrated care for drug users: digest of tools used in the assessment process and core data sets

This document aims to provide information and support for practitioners in the use of a range of tools as part of the assessment process and the care planning of people with drug problems. The document contains: definitions and principles of the assessment process; profiles of 40 tools used as part of the assessment process; and definitions of core data sets.

Counselling Workforce Development Project (CwdP) : key findings and recommendations from the young people's consultation

Briefing paper summarising the results of a consultation with young people using youth information, advice, counselling and support services (YIACS). The consultation amassed information from young people about their experience of counselling and their suggestions for improving counselling services in YIACS.

Integrated Care for Drug Users : principles and practice

This document sets out the rationale for integrated care and its wider context. It provides definitions and concepts of integrated care and its key elements: accessibility, assessment, planning and delivery of care, information sharing, monitoring and evaluation. Evidence is also provided from research literature, focus groups and consultation on the key issues that influence effective practice in integrated care. Key principles and elements of effective practice drawn from the evidence are also explained.

Domestic abuse: a draft training strategy

The focus of this draft strategy is on identifying training and development activity required to support improvement in services to women and children who are experiencing domestic abuse, and to men who use violence.

It is based on increasing capacity to deliver training and providing national co-ordination of training on domestic abuse. This training strategy is set out in 6 sections: context, aims of the training strategy; requirements of the training strategy; taking the strategy forward; capacity building; and an action plan.

Together we can end violence against women and girls: a consultation paper

Government consultation document intended to raise awareness and generate discussion one what more could be done to end violence against women and girls. The Consultations aims are: to recognise the contribution organisations have made to success in reducing violence against women and girls and supporting victims; raise awareness of the scale and nature of violence against women and girls; generate national debate to identify what would make women and girls feel and be safer; and to test policy proposals and ideas designed to help prevent violence against women and girls.

Protecting children: a shared responsibility - guidance for health professionals in Scotland (September 1999)

This document specifically aims to provide user-friendly information for all health professionals in Scotland. It will be valuable to those who may very rarely come into contact with an abused child or children and their families. It is also an important source of advice for staff who have had more experience in this area and highlights the need for child protection training to be made available for all staff.

Getting it right for every child: children and young people's experiences of advocacy support and participation in the Children's Hearings System

This research project was commissioned by the Scottish Executive to find out how advocacy for children in the Children’s Hearings System compares with arrangements in other UK systems of child welfare and youth justice and those internationally, and what children and young people and the professionals who work with them think about advocacy arrangements in the Children’s Hearings System and how these can be improved.