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Services for children and young people with emotional and mental health needs

Report presenting the findings of a review which was set up to assess whether services were adequately meeting the mental health needs of children and young people in Wales.

In particular, its aim was to discover how comprehensive, accessible and effective services were and whether robust mechanisms were in place for managing service delivery and improvement.

SCIE Guide 31: Good practice guidance for the commissioning and monitoring of Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) services

Good practice guide produced by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) to support the commissioning of the Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) service. It was developed through consultation with a range of stakeholders, including commissioners, local authority and health authority Mental Capacity Act leads and IMCA providers.

Parental drug misuse : a review of impact and intervention studies

This review examines the available research about both the impact of problem drug use and interventions designed to reduce that impact. It starts by looking at definitions, the extent of problem drug use, and its impact across important aspects of children’s lives. The review is intended for social care workers involved with adults – using or affected by drugs – and their children and young relatives.

Qualitative evaluation of the Jobseeker Mandatory Activity (JMA)

This report presents the findings of a qualitative evaluation of the Jobseeker Mandatory Activity (JMA) pilot. The JMA provided extra support to help Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) claimants back into the labour market.

The focus was on those aged 25 years or more that had been claiming benefits for six months. The intervention comprised a three-day work-focused course delivered by external providers followed by three Jobcentre Plus personal adviser interviews. The pilot was tested in ten areas over a two-year period with the first customers entering provision in April 2006.

Annual Review 2007/08 - Working together, informing change

Putting People First brought together the leading health and social care organisations to agree a new approach to personalised care. The agreement cements SCIE’s role as the national organisation responsible for identifying, promoting and disseminating good practice. As a signatory to this concordat, informing the sector about what works – and what could work – across the world. A rough guided was produce to help the sector to understand what it means, how it relates to current practice and its implications.

A commitment to protect: supervising sex offenders - proposals for more effective practice 1997

The Secretary of State for Scotland requested a review of arrangements for the supervision of sex offenders in the community. A team from Social Work Services Inspectorate (SWSI) carried out the review, with assistance from many organisations and individuals.

A Commitment to Protect is the report of their initial work from April to September 1997. It gives an overview of the arrangements and a broad assessment of their strengths and weaknesses, together with recommendations for improvement.

Good practice guidance for working with children and families affected by substance misuse: getting our priorities right

Not all families affected by substance misuse will experience difficulties. However, parental substance misuse may have significant and damaging consequences for children. These children are entitled to help, support and protection, within their own families wherever possible. Sometimes they will need agencies to take prompt action to secure their safety. Parents too will need strong support to tackle and overcome their problems and promote their children’s full potential.