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Kinship carers: possible benefit entitlement and potential issues when claiming benefits

This report aims to describe the benefit system as it applies to kinship care, as well as considering related issues that kinship carers may face when attempting to access their benefit entitlement and an indication of the types of assistance which could enable households to access the benefits system more easily.

Interchange 78 : Transitions in the Lives of Children and Young People : Resilience Factors

This report describes effective strategies, in the fields of health, education and social work, for helping children cope with periods of transition and change through the promotion of resilience. The report draws on an extensive review of the international literature on the promotion of resilience.

Growing up in Scotland: year 2: results from the second year of a study following the lives of Scotland's children

Growing Up in Scotland (GUS) is a major longitudinal study launched in 2005 with the aim of tracking a group of children and their families from the early years, through childhood and beyond. Funded by the Scottish Government its main aim is to provide information to support policy-making, but it is also intended to be a broader resource that can be drawn on by academics, voluntary sector organisations and other interested parties.

Seldom heard : developing inclusive participation in social care

A position paper offering a practice framework for social care practitioners to allow the greater participation of 'seldom heard' groups in the social care services available to them. The paper considers four groups in particular, homeless people with addiction problems, black and minority ethnic people, people with communication impairments and people with dementia.

The Fostering of Children (Scotland) Regulations 1996

These regulations set out the requirements by law for the approval of foster carers by local authorities; the placement of foster children; arrangements with voluntary organisations and the retention and confidentiality of case records for foster carers and children.

The appointment, composition and function of fostering panels is also laid out and the Schedules include information required from prospective foster carers and the requirements of placement agreements.

Age of Legal Capacity (Scotland) Act 1991

This legislation sets out the types of contract that may be made by young persons. The Act defines the age of legal capacity and particular exceptions. The Act provides young people with powers of consent. For example, a young person may consent on his own behalf to any surgical, medical or dental procedure or treatment where, in the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner attending him, he is capable of understanding the nature and possible consequences of the procedure or treatment.

SCIE knowledge review 05: fostering success: an exploration of the research literature in foster care

Foster children have difficult early lives. Their needs are great, their educational performance can be poor, their childhoods in foster care and out of it are often unstable. In their adult lives they are at greater risk than others of a wide variety of difficulties. These 'facts' have led some to conclude that the state is not an adequate parent.