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Minority ethnic participation and achievements in education, training and the labour market

This full-text research report about the participation and achievements of minority ethnic pupils in the UK education system and their future employment prospects was commissioned by the Department for Education and Employment.

Divided into ten chapters, this 157-page report highlights information about the following issues: participation and attainment in compulsory education; activities of 16-19 year olds following compulsory schooling; patterns of labour market participation; skills and work-related training; lifelong learning.

What is Down's Syndrome?

This booklet is produced by Scottish Down's Syndrome Association and provides a wide range of information for parents, carers, professionals and students about Down's syndrome. The resource includes facts and figures, information about health problems associated with Down's syndrome, screening and testing, growing up and growing older with Down's syndrome, as well as current research.

Report from the 'Getting it right for every child in kinship and foster care' reference group

This report is the outcome of the work of many people across Scotland. Shortly before the publication of the Getting it Right for Every Child in Kinship and Foster care report the Government in Scotland asked BAAF and tFN to set up a Reference Group composed of the main stakeholders in kinship and foster care.

The group worked through the areas identified by the Government in Scotland through five Task Groups each of whom were allocated a specific area of the Strategy to develop.

Brain tissue donations

The Alzheimer's Society is the UK's leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. They produce information and advice sheets to support those affected by dementia. Many people with dementia and their relatives are interested in the possibility of brain donation for research after their death. Donations from people without dementia are equally important to enable comparisons to be made. Scientists are very grateful for the generosity of the families concerned, especially as this process has to be carried out soon after the person’s death.