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SCIE Report 19: Learning together to safeguard children: developing a multi-agency systems approach for case reviews

Children’s safety and welfare are key concerns in all countries, with continual efforts being made to improve child welfare and child protection services. Learning is central to these endeavours so that problems and their solutions can be identified. However, it has been questioned as to whether current learning approaches are adequate for the task. In light of this, SCIE presents a ‘systems’ model of organisational learning that can be used across agencies involved in safeguarding and child protection work.

The educational attainment of looked after children: local authority pilot projects - summary of the final research report

A summary version of the research report identifying interventions that appeared to make the most differences in terms of both the educational experience and the educational outcomes of the looked after children and young people participating in the pilot projects. The report was produced by Strathclyde University and published by the Scottish Government.

The educational attainment of looked after children: local authority pilot projects - final research report

A research report identifying interventions that appeared to make the most differences in terms of both the educational experience and the educational outcomes of the looked after children and young people participating in the pilot projects.

The report was produced by Strathclyde University and published by the Scottish Government.

Seizing the opportunity: telecare strategy 2008-2010

This strategy sets out the Scottish Government’s expectations of further developments in telecare: telecare to contribute significantly to the achievement of personalised health and social care outcomes for individuals; telecare to contribute significantly to delivering wider national benefits in areas such as shifting the balance of care and the management of long-term health conditions; and local partnerships to mainstream telecare within local service planning.

What matters with personal narratives?: an exploration as to how personal narratives are used in the promotion of recovery and social inclusion by mental health service users in Scotland

Paper describing a study which aimed to investigate how personal narratives are used in Scotland to promote recovery and social inclusion by mental health service users.

Growth and development: national overview

This is the second annual report prepared by the Chief Social Work Inspector. Completed in 2002, it includes a national overview of social work services across Scotland and short reviews of services in each of the 32 councils.

The annual report is based on analyses, carried out by a small Inspectorate team, of existing data, plans, reports and reviews. The team also visited all 32 authorities and had full discussions with senior officials.

Children: innocent until proven guilty: a report on the overuse of remand for children in England and Wales and how it can be addressed

In the last seven years the number of children locked up on remand has increased by 41%. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child says that imprisonment should only be used as a measure of last resort. This report on the overuse of remand for children is based on information gathered from a number of sources: interviews with senior practitioners and sentencers; a literature review of research and statistics; a survey of bail and remand officers; a national seminar. It discusses why the problem has arisen and presents a series of twelve policy and practice solutions.