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Children looked after by local authorities: the legal framework

This report describes key aspects of the law as it applies throughout a child’s journey through public care and supervision, and what this means for the children, their families and carers, and the agencies responsible for safeguarding and promoting their welfare. It ends with some comments on how well the legal framework supports good care for looked after children.

Getting it right together : unit 4 : the importance of inclusion and health care for people with learning disabilities

This resource - Getting it right together on learning disabilities, has been written for all pre-registration nursing students in Scotland. It comprises five units of study that will support something in the order of 12 to 15 hours of directed and, or, facilitated learning on a range of issues that relate to learning disabilities. Unit 4 looks at the importance of inclusion and health care for people with learning disabilities.

Turning the tap off! : incapacity benefit in Glasgow and Scotland : trends over the past five years

Report drawing upon a range of statistical and other sources to construct a detailed picture of the incapacity benefit population in Glasgow and compare this with the west of Scotland and Scotland as a whole. The purpose was to produce a body of evidence which would assist in the task of improving the health and wellbeing of this population.