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The self-esteem society

Report advocating a rethinking of how self-esteem is understood in the UK. It argues that it should be considered a personal tool which helps all of us live our lives and, by extension, brings wider benefits such as potentially improving the quality of society. It makes recommendations as to how the self-esteem of society as a whole can be improved.

Integrated strategy for the early years

This paper focuses on the services provided to young children (from pre-birth to 5) and their families.

It sets out a framework which draws together existing policies from across the Scottish Executive in this area – whether that is promoting childcare, health visitor support, preschool education or broader support for parenting skills.

It seeks to promote greater coherence between these executive policies to give better support to joined-up delivery on the ground.

Work fit for all - disability, health and the experience of negative treatment in the British workplace

Report based on the findings of the 2008 British Workplace Behaviour Survey which showed that disabled people and people with long-term illnesses experience more negative treatment in the workplace compared to non-disabled people. It argues this trend may have implications for government policies helping people to access and remain in employment.

Safer school partnerships

The document provides guidance on mainstreaming to enable local multi-agency partnerships to benefit from this way of working.

It provides them with a route map, allowing them to determine the appropriate level of response in given circumstances to meet the needs of local partners and neighbourhoods.

Adult protection data collection and reporting requirements: conclusions and recommendations from a two year study into adult protection recording systems in England, funded by the Department of Health

Report of a project set up to create guidelines for interpreting data on adult protection intervention in order to inform social policy planning and improve adult protection processes.

Goals : agreeing and achieving them

This resource is one of a set of exercises and activities taken from the book 'Modern Social Work Practice' written by Mark Doel and Steven Shardlow. This activity helps to teach the student how to move from a focus on what is wrong to a focus on what is wanted; a move from present problems to future goals, and how to get from one to the other.

Safe from bullying in children's homes

Bullying does not only happen in normal school hours, it can happen anywhere. Children who are badly bullied in school are more likely than others to be bullied outside of it too.

This guidance is aimed at managers, social workers and other staff in Children's Homes. It outlines the possible bullying that might occur in Children's Homes and describes steps to prevent it and respond to it effectively.