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Scotland's children: the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 regulations and guidance - Volume 1: support and protection for children and their families

This is the first of 4 volumes of comprehensive guidance on the Children (Scotland) Act 1995. The Regulations, Directions and Guidance which are included in this and other volumes are designed to provide guidance on the implementation of Parts II, III and IV of the Act.

This includes promotion of child welfare; the planning of childrens' services; provision of accommodation and day care services; children and disability; protecting children and short-term refuge for children at risk of harm.

Evaluation of ownership options' pilot advice service on disability issues for registered social landlords taking part in Scottish Government funded shared equity provision

Reid Howie Associates was commissioned by the Scottish Government in Summer 2008 to carry out an evaluation of a pilot advice service on disability issues provided by Ownership Options for Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) taking part in Scottish Executive (now Scottish Government) funded shared equity provision in Scotland.

Policies and practices for mental health in Europe

Most European countries have recognized mental health as a priority area in recent years. Neuropsychiatric disorders are the second leading cause of disability-adjusted lifeyears (DALYs) in the WHO European Region. The report offers overview of activities in areas such as mental health promotion, mental disorder prevention, preventing stigma, service provision, human rights and empowerment of service users and families and carers.

Drugs in the family : the impact on parents and siblings : summary

This resource summarises the key findings of a study into the impact drug problems have on the family and siblings. It highlights that the tendency for policy and practice to focus on the individual with the drug problem has eclipsed consideration of the severe and enduring impacts of problem drug use on many families. The full report that this summary is based on is also available in this repository.

Carers at the heart of 21st century families and communities

The Carers Strategy sets out the Government’s short-term agenda and long-term vision for the future care and support of carers. At the heart of 21st-century families and communities.

In a changing society most people are living longer, many are developing long-term clinical conditions and the vast majority have rising aspirations in terms of maintaining maximum independence and control over their own lives. Consequently, an increasing number of people may find themselves taking on a caring role at some point in their lives.

The government's response to the Kent Report on Children's Safeguards Review

This response to the Children’s Safeguards Review by Roger Kent sets out the Government’s proposals for improving the quality of care for children who are looked after away from home.

This includes the recruitment, selection and vetting of residential child care staff; training of residential care staff; their registration and inspection; the inter-relationship with education child protection; support for children in boarding schools; investigation and monitoring of children in prison, refuges and helping young abusers.

How good is our school?

This revised edition of HM Inspectorate of Education's report How good is our school? replaces all previous versions.

Along with a revised edition of Child at the Centre, this document forms the third part of How good is our school? The Journey to Excellence.

The aim of this publication is to help schools to evaluate the quality of its education, based around a set of quality indicators.