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Personalisation: a shared understanding, commissioning for personalisation - a personalised commissioning approach to support and care services

Set of three separate papers looking at the development and delivery of personalised services and approaches. The first paper considers what personalisation is and what areas need to be aligned to bring about real user engagement, flexibility and improved outcomes.

The second discusses the role of commissioning in transforming services to meet future needs and the third examines commissioning in greater detail and identifies the issues which arise at an operational level and which might need to be addressed.

How good is our school?: self-evaluation using quality indicators

This edition of 'How good is our school?' replaces that published in 1996. It is designed, as were the earlier editions, to help headteachers and teachers in school self-evaluation and to assist education authority officials in discharging their responsibilities for quality assurance. The continuing strength of this set of quality indicators is that it is used in external evaluation by HM Inspectors as well as in self-evaluation by schools and by local authorities in quality assurance procedures.

Scotland's children: the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 regulations and guidance - Volume 2: children looked after by local authorities

This is the second of four volumes of comprehensive guidance on the Children (Scotland) Act 1995. The Regulations, Directions and Guidance which are included in this and the other volumes are designed to provide guidance on the implementation of Parts II, III and IV of the Act. Volume 2 sets out the legal framework for local authority responsibilities for children who are looked after; home supervision; fostering service; residential care; registration and inspection of certain residential schools; secure accommodation; throughcare and aftercare.

SCIE Research briefing 31: Co-production: an emerging evidence base for adult social care transformation

The term ‘co-production’ is increasingly being applied to new types of public service delivery in the UK, including new approaches to adult social care. This briefing explains how staff should be encouraged to access co-productive initiatives, recognising and supporting diversity among the people who use services. And the importance of creating new structures, regulatory and commissioning practices and financial streams is necessary to embed co-production as a long-term rather than ad hoc solution.

A national approach to anti-bullying for Scotland's children and young people

Consultation paper setting out and seeking views on a draft national approach to anti-bullying in Scotland. In particular, it proposes an approach to anti-bullying in Scotland for children and young people, broadly outlines contributions to this approach by sectors and stakeholders nationally and identifies the role to be played by the Scottish Anti-Bullying Steering Group.

The road to recovery: one year on

One year ago the Scottish Government launched Scotland’s first drugs strategy since devolution. Central to the strategy was a new approach to tackling problem drug use based firmly on the concept of recovery. The action set out in the strategy reflects that tackling drug use requires action across a broad range of areas. This progress report takes the same approach.